Below FAQ are some common concerns of our clients before purchasing the product, if you have other questions, please contact us
We have warehouses in the UK, USA, Australia and Germany to support shipment from these countries. Our factory is in China. If we can, we can also ship goods from China.
After you place the order, we will ship the goods within 1-2 working days. The usual shipping time is 3-7 working days.
Please kindly know that due to the impact of the COVID-19 there will be a little delay in transit. It is difficult to guarantee the timeliness. Sorry that the shipping risk is out of control for us, Sometimes an accident occurs.
It seems that the parcel has been delivered. Would you please check with your family and neighbors whether they received it or not? Or did you call courier for more details of delivery?
We take great care when processing orders to ensure that everything arrives in perfect condition. In the unlikely event that your order arrives and items are missing, damaged or incorrect, please let us know as soon as you can. Remember to quote your original order number when contacting us, and if possible include a few pictures. When an item arrives damaged, we will replace it free of charge.
[time] minutes ago, from [location]
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